This is the archives of NE Bluegrass Bands



              Next Month Artist of the Month Maine's own Northstar


          Erica Brown & the Bluegrass Connection


        Katahdin Valley  Boys 


              Chairback Gap




                  Foster Sisters


                                         Southern Rail       


                                   Out To Lunch 


                                                                                               Gopher Broke           


                               Pine Hill Rambers  




                   Union River Band




                       High Range Band


                                                                                          Delaney Brothers    


                      Muddy Marsh Ramblers


                                                                    Back To Basics     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Blistered Fingers                             


The photographs were from each respective website and did not have the artisans credits so I could not include them on this page. There is no copyright on this page for the photos. I found pages like this are helpful, because I can remember a face better than I can remember a name. Sometimes I cannot even remember that people are in a band. Rustic Harmony can attest to that...



Lynda R Berube
Copyright © 2003 Mourning Dove Bluegrass Band. All rights reserved.
Revised: July 04, 2003